The Village View

Monday, April 30, 2007

New SAP blogger: Amit Chatterjee on GRC

Amit Chatterjee, who founded SAP's GRC business unit and is one of the unit's driving forces, finally launched his blog today. His blog should be interesting certainly to those of you interested in understanding SAP's strategy on Governance, Risk and Compliance, but also those who want insight into the (personal) musings of one of SAP's senior execs. I'm glad he's gotten engaged in the conversation - we had a conversation around his blogging when I first joined the group a couple of months ago. Amit, like many of us (don't get me started on Blogger) hit a few hitches with the initial launch of his blog, but mentioned that speaking with the folks in the Sapphire Bloggers' Corner really reiterated the importance of this medium for him. So, go check out Amit's blog and give him some link love.

I was completely prepared to abandon this effort, but my company, SAP had a conference last week (SAPPHIRE in Atlanta), and I met some other bloggers, and realized that blogging was the equivalent of talk radio for software. I was impressed by the number of bloggers, and also the varient in quality and approach to make their noise (voice) heard. Much like the days of listening to political pundits or even that recent shock DJ that got fired, each blog will undoubtedly share their point of view. Being a man with several points of view, this medium seems a natural home for me.

But what is different than talk radio, is that listener, or in this case the reader, has significant power. the “wisdom” does not end with my blog, but is rather the beginning of the refinement or rejection of a germinating idea that the source blog put forth. Hence I am even more excited about getting my ideas out there so they can be torn apart and then rebuilt, I want to engage the blogosphere for their wisdom on what is going on, and yes, amazingly even advice on what to do better.
