The Village View

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 announces AppStore Checkout and Referral

I listened to press event webcast yesterday in which Benioff

announced its AppStore vision and monetization strategy for the AppExchange marketplace. Customers will be able to use AppStore as a single source for trying, buying and deploying on-demand applications on the AppExchange....The AppStore Referral Program will provide access to marketing services intended to increase demand for partners' AppExchange solutions.

Some of my fellow Enterprise Irregulars have posted their thoughts on the announcements. Since they were post quicker to the gun and are likely more insightful than I, I'll direct you to them.

From Charlie Wood of Spanning Partners (an AppExchange ISV partner): Unveils AppStore: 'iTMS for SaaS'
Is AppStore Checkout Worth the Price?

Dan Farber of ZDNet who was one of the first to post prepping AppStore and Apex commerce engine
Benioff sort of amends AppStore Checkout launch date (funny thing happened - Benioff talked about an "internal" date of July for having the AppStore ready, half a year earlier than the "official" date. I could almost hear the developers' collective moan).

Dennis Howlett
SFdC coming at you, through the back door
