The Village View

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Move Over Silicon Valley, Here Come European Start-Ups

Interesting article in today's Times, but I'm dubious of the claim that "Silicon Valley’s dominance of Internet-style technology innovation is waning" and that Europe is a larger innovation hub. The article points out one of the cultural differences which I think is still significant, "failure is not viewed as a badge of honor, the way it is in Silicon Valley..." While badge of honor may be a bit much, there is certainly less stigma attached to business failure in the US versus on the Continent.
Ironic to note that one of the companies cited to further the theisis, NetVibes, "received a $15.5 million investment from the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Accel Partners" and whose founder "received practical business schooling in Silicon Valley." I don't want to give the impression that I do not believe there is much innovation happening in Europe, and indeed outside of the US in general, but ringing the death knell of Silicon Vally is a bit premature.

One more thing: did you know this? I didn't.
Skype, for example, now says that it carries 4.4 percent of all worldwide long-distance calling.
